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The older your thermostat is the more likely it’s not working efficiently. When your thermostat is outdated it won’t heat your home or business correctly. You may find cold spots within the house or building which means that the heat isn’t being zone controlled by the thermostat. If you upgrade to a digital and programmable thermostat you can control the temperature and how often the heat turns on and off. Once you have a new thermostat installed you’ll notice a drastic drop in your heating costs!

Insulate the hot water heater!

No matter if your furnace or boiler doubles as a hot water heater or you have a separate water heater, they still add to your heating costs. One way to avoid this is by having the tank water heater insulated. This will ensure that the heat stays inside the tank and doesn’t escape or else it will force your hot water heater to work overtime.

Change the air filter!

In order to keep your heating system working efficiently, it’s crucial that you change the air filters regularly. Believe it or not, if the air filter is clogged with dust and dirt it will block proper air flow to your house or business. The air filters are easy to replace yourself and should be changed every few months. Just make sure to check them often.

Seal all leaks!

If you notice that heat is escaping through cracks in the furnace or boiler it’s time to seal the leaks. By sealing the leaks you’ll prevent heat from going to waste and cut down on utility bills.

Insulate drafty windows!

Windows are easily one of the quickest ways to lose heat. There may be tiny cracks or areas that were never properly sealed. To reduce the amount of heat lost this way, you can insulate the windows or covering them with plastic.

Heater maintenance!

Regardless if you have a boiler, furnace, or hot water heater, you need to keep it working efficiently. A professional HVAC contractor can offer quality heater maintenance annually or for a one-time visit. Advanced Professional is happy to provide this service at an affordable rate and will tune-up your heating system to help lower your heating costs.

If you need the help of a licensed and qualified HVAC contractor, contact Advanced Professional today! We’ll give you a free quote on any of our heating services and will gladly help you save on your utility bills!

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