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Gas Line Repair & Installation


At Advanced Professional Plumbing, Heating & Cooling we have some of the best technicians in  New Jersey, and we are ready to share our know-how with you. Whether you are looking to install a gas line, need repairs or need assistance and reassurance with gas leak detection, we’re the smart choice.

Want to know what it’s like working with us? Contact Us Now.


One of the services we offer is gas leak detection, utilizing state-of-the-art tools and technology. We know how much you care about your family’s well-being, and so do we. Gas leaks do occur over time, they can pose a danger to your family- and possibly to neighbors as well. A gas leak in an enclosed area can prompt an explosion, which could be devastating.


The minute you suspect that you have a leak, you need to call in professional help and get out of your home or office right away. Your nose will give you the first clues with a rotten egg or petroleum-type smell. You may also notice discoloration of areas of your lawn or plants. You may also hear a hissing noise near the affected line.

In addition to having fine technical skills, our contractors are great diagnosticians too. We’ll detect and assess the leak and then repair or replace as required.


Gas is not just more energy efficient; it provides a more reliable power source than electric power. For instance, in a power outage, you can keep on cooking with gas. There is no denying the comfort, warmth, and convenience of being able to flip a switch to turn on a gas fireplace when the mood strikes you. And don’t forget how amazing it is to have an endless supply of fuel when you are BBQing. No running out of propane mid-way through grilling your steak.


Advanced Professional Gas Line Installation and Repair Service

Are you planning to get a new gas line installation?

Do you suspect gas leaks?

Are you looking for a gas line repair service?

Advanced Professional Plumbing, Heating, Cooling Gas Line Installation, and Repair Service has got you covered. We provide supreme quality residential, commercial as well as industrial gas line installation services across New Jersey. 

Gas pipe installation or gas line repair, no matter big or small, is a difficult job and needs the knowledge and expertise of professionals. You can not just do it yourself or trust someone from around the corner to do it, as one wrong step can lead to a disaster. It would be best if you had a team of trained, certified, and experienced professionals to ensure the correct gas line installation. 

Are you looking for reasons for gas pipe installation?

  • Maybe its time to update the old one;
  • Perhaps you are switching from oil to gas appliances;
  • Perhaps you are planning to update old gas appliances

No matter the reason, our team is there to make sure the gas pipe installation is done smoothly, ensuring safety. 

One of the common yet major concerns with dangerous implications with natural gas pipes is leaks. Gas leaks happen when either the pipe is not installed correctly, or there is some issue with the gas pipe such as:

  • Cracks in the bell joint or seals
  • Improper fitting
  • Corrosion in the connectors or joints as the pipe ages

Why Us?

Our team has been able to safely fix all these issues with their gas line repair expertise. 

We will ensure adequate, safe, and efficient installation and gas line repair, following all the building standards and protocols at the most competitive market price. Our professionals will work in a way that will leave no room for future issues with the gas pipes. 

Check out our fantastic deals to save while you get your gas line installed and repaired or schedule a service today!

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