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Grease Trap Clogs

As a restaurant owner, you understand the importance of a regularly serviced grease trap. Nothing is worse than a backed-up grease trap during peak service hours. Grease traps separate grease, oils, and solids from the wastewater. New Jersey legislation requires restaurants to use and clean their grease trap regularly.

Cleaning and pumping the grease trap on a regular schedule will allow it to operate how it is supposed to – catching oils, grease, etc that cause blockages and backups that lead to overflows and bad odors in the restaurant.

If your grease trap is clogged and requires a professional to clean out the drain lines, Advanced Professional is on the job.




We recommend cleaning grease traps at least quarterly. Your restaurant may require more grease trap cleanings if your volume is high enough or if you have not been maintaining it regularly. If you find that you need to clean out your grease trap more than once a month, you should consider a larger grease trap with a higher storage capacity.

When you are ready to clear your grease trap clog, our experts are standing by 973-894-3005

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